I pride myself on having a good belch. When I expel that excess air from my stomach, I EXPEL it! I don't mess around. My wife on the other hand burps like a nun who breaks wind during mass. It's pathetic. That is to say, it WAS pathetic. I stumbled upon yet another fun side effect to the joys of pregnancy. Excessive gas. Now thankfully this gas only comes out her mouth, for this is a family blog and we don't want to have to go into that territory. I pray it stays that way. Anyway, she officially now has a black belt in burping. I have never heard a woman, let alone a human, burp so often and so loudly in my life. It is truly a wonder to behold. She can eat something as simple as a baby carrot and she will have enough belching force to fill a hot air balloon.
Now, please don't misinterpret this blog entry. I am not trying to be mean spirited or trying to elicit a small laugh at her expense. I say this because I am simply amazed at how this tiny lime-sized baby can completely alter a woman's body. The morning sickness, frequent trips to the bathroom, excessive gas... and this is only the beginning. Hollywood did NOT prepare me for this. I blame Full House.