Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fat Wars: The Sympathy Weight Strikes Back

 That's me reacting to the scale that read "To Be Continued."

     Remember when I wrote about trying to lose all that sympathy weight? I don't either. Don't click that link. It never happened. 

     I guess it's that time again to shed some pounds before the impending holiday food season sucker punches me yet again. Besides, I'm getting tired of my son trying to nurse on me instead of my wife.

     You might be wondering who I was actually "sympathizing" with while I was gaining all that weight...It certainly was not my wife who shed all her baby weight a thousand years ago. I guess you could say I was selflessly doing it for all the pregnant women in the world. I may be the living embodiment of a manly man, but I can be sensitive too.

or as Honey Boo-boo calls it, "an appetizer."

     Above, you will see a lovely visual representation of five pounds of fat. Yum. My goal is to lose two of those delicious chunks before January. For all you non-Asians out there, that is a total of ten pounds. It should be a realistic goal if I just mellow out on all the fast food I usually consume. Not only will I look great once that weight is off, but we will save gobs of laundry money when my wife starts washing all her blouses on my stomach. Magic Mike body here I come!

     Speaking of fat, remember "yo mama" jokes? One of my favorites was, "Yo momma's so fat she needs a VCR for a pager." Ha! Ha! Topical. 

 This post did not have enough of my son in it, so here ya go.

"You're so cute I could just eat you. Get in my belly"