Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The End.

     I think it’s time to officially put this blog to rest. I have been meaning to say this for a while now, but I was holding out on some divine inspiration for another post; unfortunately, it has not come. I started many drafts with the hope that it would somehow jump-start some creativity, but my brain laughed at me and told me to watch more television. It has been 10 months since my last post and I am in that same sand trap contemplating my next move. Well, I decided to throw in the proverbial towel. Nobody wants to read uninspired drivel, right? Anyway, I can go on and on, but I just want to thank you for all the encouraging words throughout the past few years. This has been a great outlet to flex some creative muscle and I would like to think I learned a thing or two about writing. Probably not. Thank you for reading my stupid thoughts on child rearing. Have a good morning, and in case I don’t see you...good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

Oh yeah, I had another child since I last posted. Surprise! 

The end.