Thursday, July 28, 2011

Checking In

     Ah, vacation.  It’s a wonderful time where one experiences a period of respite from the grind of work and the mundane tasks of everyday life.  I just returned home from one such trip and I came to the sad realization that it will probably be the last one I will take for a long, long time.  Why is that? Let me put it in cheerleader terms: Gimme a B. Gimme an A. Gimme another B. Gimme a Y. What does that spell?  SOCIAL LIFE DESTROYER!  I know that sounds kind of harsh, but this is kinda how I see it right now. The next time my wife and I can take a trip like the one we just took will be in another 18 years when the kid goes off to college.    
     I sometimes see myself acting like Batman’s villain Two-Face.  At times I get ecstatic about a baby coming into my life.  I get excited at the prospect of having a baby of my own to love and play with every day I come home from work.  But then I suddenly transform into some kind of selfish jerk, thinking about how much this kid will alter my life. I know I am not losing my freedom, but I will be definitely losing the flexibility I have come to love.  It better be worth it.  Every parent I talk to says that it is indeed worth it, but I secretly think they trick you into having kids so you will be in the same boat as they are in.  Misery loves company, right?    
     Wow, that last paragraph was kind of a downer.  It’s time to lighten up the mood a little.  My little bundle of trouble is 25 weeks old today.  The baby’s crown-to-rump length is about 8.8 inches, which is roughly the width of this Mid-Size Chartplotter Fishfinder:
The baby’s weight has increased to around 1.5 pounds which is the weight of Apple’s new iPad 2, in select stores now:
     Well, 25 weeks completed and about 15 to go.  The time is going by crazy fast...then again, I am not the one who has to deal with all the horrible side effects that come with pregnancy.