Monday, April 15, 2013

The Big 2

     A big congratulations goes out to me for keeping this thing going for two solid years now. I guess the readers have had a little something to do with it as well, but I deserve more praise, so stop being so selfish.

     Two years is a long time is survive in the blog world. I may have run out of things to say long ago, but people keep reading it, so let's see how far I can run this bad boy into the ground before it dies a messy death. 
     But seriously, thanks for all of you who continue to read my posts. This started out as a way to let the creative juices flow, with really no expectation of anyone actually reading it. Now I have people from all over the world frequenting my site on a daily basis. Crazy. Speaking of that, the United Kingdom is ranked number two in page views, followed by Canada.  What's the deal Canada? Most of my family reside there and you have some Redcoats from across the pond beating you? For shame.      
     So, here's to another year of manly baby talk.